This is a great way to serve a gourmet treat to your guests. Spread it on your favorite crackers, bread, veggies -- whatever you like. It's great inside...
Yowzers! Sweet and hot salsa with tangy mangoes and habaneros. Great with pork, chicken or fish or just with chips. You can omit the habaneros and add...
Stone crab claws are traditionally served with a creamy mustard sauce in Florida, but you'll be surprised how tasty steamed shrimp are with this sauce,...
This is the absolute best hummus I have ever had. It goes great with some toasted pita bread. Add more lemon juice if this hummus tastes like it needs...
A rich and creamy cheese spread, with a powerful horseradish and cheddar kick. A perfect appetizer for a big dinner or snack for a party. Serve cold with...
Simple, but flavorful, spread that is great with crackers or celery. Any dipping mustard made with turmeric as the spice factor will work. This addition...
This dip was the result of endless combinations to try to come up with some dip that I didn't have to cook for work. Serve immediately or it is even better...
I serve this at least once a week with a chicken or steak meal or just as a quick snack. Learned from my late grandfather who was of Lebanese descent....
The fun of this recipe is that it can be tailored to your tastes. I'm a 'throw it in and see how it turns out' kind of cook, so please adjust the recipe...
Mmmmm Mmmm good!!! Generous amounts of Parmesan cheese make this dip a sure crowd pleaser. Serve with corn chips. Substitute chopped jalapeno peppers for...
Awesome homemade dip recipe served best with potato chips. Simple to make and simply wonderful to consume. Feel free to adjust ingredients to personal...
There are few things as easy, healthy, and delicious as this ubiquitous dip. However, unless you're grinding your aromatic vegetation in a molcajete, or...
I had to make something QUICK for a Mexican themed birthday party, so I threw this together and got RAVE reviews. Some ate it separately most though added...
It has taken me years to perfect this recipe. Los Cucos is my favorite TexMex restaurant in Houston, and I used to eat there every 2 weeks, just so I would...
This recipe can be served hot or cold with a variety of different crackers or bread. It can be placed in a loaf of hollowed out sourdough bread; the bread...
This is a favorite passed down to me from my mom. We have it at family gatherings and this year I'm taking it to the Super Bowl party. Seasonings may be...
A wonderful, easy, creamy hot dip that even sauerkraut haters love. I often take this to work potlucks because I can assemble it at work. Just throw everything...
This cheesy and creamy hot dip is perfect for entertaining and can also be served as an appetizer. Serve with pita bread, baguette, tortilla chips, or...
This recipe is bursting with flavor! It is fresh and spicy, and did I mention easy? This is the closest thing to restaurant style salsa you will find....
Serve with pita bread-you can cut pita bread into wedges and toast it for a different taste sensation. Tahini is a sesame paste, you can usually find it...
I used to make something very similar to this queso dip at the Mexican restaurant I worked at in college, where we called it 'chili con queso.' At first...
This is the best fruit dip ever and so simple. You can easily reduce the calories by using the low-fat whipped topping and cream cheese without reducing...
I love the addition of bacon to this cheesy spinach and artichoke dip. It's a family favorite around the holidays. My Nana passed it on to me. I hope you'll...
Otherwise known as cheese dip, this is a great recipe for any get together. Cheddar cheese is melted into a smooth, thick mixture. Bring along a couple...
Tomatillos, lots of garlic and spicy jalapenos charred under the broiler give this salsa a rich, earthy flavor. If you like your salsa very hot, added...
This fruity and spicy salsa is yummy on just about everything from chips to barbequed chicken, tacos, and even tofu! By the way, pineapple mojitos are...
This is a very creamy and yummy vanilla pumpkin dip that is served with graham crackers. I like the cinnamon graham crackers best, but you can decide for...